Monday, December 15, 2014

Works Cited

Antuñano, Iraide Ibarretxe. "“Ttipi-ttapa ttipi-ttapa… korrika!!!” Motion and sound symbolism in basque." Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca" Julio de Urquijo" 40.1-2 (2011): 499-517.

Mathur, Anshul, and Rajesh Pillania. "Strategy lessons from the FIFA World Cup 2014." Strategic Direction 30.11 (2014): 1-3.

McVeigh, Paul. The Stupid Footballer is Dead: Insights Into the Mind of a Professional Footballer. A&C Black, 2013.

"Tiki Taka Football (The Barcelona Style of Play)." Soccer Training Info. Soccer Training Info, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.


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